(image credit : Christopher Michel via Wikimedia Commons cc 2.0 )


聞き手:Joe Lauer(広島大学外国語教育研究センタ―)



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(16:13 9.8MB 初級~中級)+++この番組で使われている主な表現(People in Indonesia and Poland)+++


= become

a primary school

= an elementary school, a grade school


= required

a kindergarten

= pre-school, 幼稚園


= extra, additional

a subject

= 科目


= concentrated, 猛烈な

to pick up

= to learn, to understand


= typical, ordinary

a personality

= 性格


= acting suddenly and openly, talkative


= quiet, shy, polite

a stereotype

= a typical image

to be used to

= to be accustomed to (something)

to go out clubbing

= to go to night clubs or bars


= a drink often with 40% alcoholic content, especially popular in Russia and eastern Europe, and often made from potatoes


a Moslem

= a person who believes in Islam and the Quran


= against the law, prohibited by law


= crowded

midterm week

= the week in the middle of a semester when college students have tests

political science

= 政治学


= um, ah (Note: In conversation, this word sometimes has very little meaning. It is just a way to say that the speaker is thinking, and is not finished talking.)


= kind of, to some degree, ある程度 (Note: "kinda" is frequent and OK in casual conversation, but is bad in formal writing.)

a summary

= 要約

to be way better than

= to be much better than

a club

= サークル

to attract

= 引き寄せる

a politician

= 政治家

a session

= a time period

a mellophone

= similar to a trumpet or a French horn, often played in marching bands


= kind of, to some degree, to some extent, a little

to feel sorry for

= to pity, を気の毒に感じる


= at about, at approximately


= from the beginning to the end

a casino

= カジノ

a typical shift

= a regular work time every day

to raise

= to bring up, 育てる

a single parent

= a person raising children without a husband or wife

to look up to

= to respect, to admire


= concerning, related to

a value

= 価値観

senior citizens

= grandparents, retired people

elderly people

= senior citizens

a guinea pig

= テンジクネズミ、モルモット


= typical, ordinary

a big deal

= a special thing

an arranged marriage

= お見合い結婚

an ethnic group

= a racial group

it doesn't matter

= it isn't important


= 富

a custom

= a tradition


= 復活祭

a religious matter

= 宗教的なこと

a day off

= a day when people do not go to work or school

Eid Al-Fitr

= celebrates the end of Ramadan (the month when most Muslims do not eat or drink during the daytime)

Eid Al-Adha

= lasts 4 days. Muslims often give to charity. Families often sacrifice an animal and share the meat among friends and the poor.

a thought

= an idea


= 字幕

to be dubbed

= to have native voices in a movie, instead of the original language

a cinema

= a movie theater

a big thing

= a popular thing

a message

= an important idea