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(17:38 10.4MB 初級~中級)Smokin'

*** It's a Good Expression ***


a smoke room


to annoy


Why wouldn't they let me smoke outside ...?


to dissipate into the air


to be cramped into ...


to compress




to depend state by state


turn 20


to hold out


*** Script ***

(Slow speed) 03:15-05:40

(Natural speed) 14:10-15:55


Scene: A friend approaches a female American student who is smoking.

M: Hey, you can't do that here!

W: Do what…?

M: You can't smoke here!

W: Why not?

M: You're in the middle of campus. Here, look, there's a smoke room right here for you to smoke in.

W: A smoke what?

M: It's a smoke room, so you don't annoy the people around you.

W: Wow, this is weird. Why wouldn't they let me smoke outside where the smoke can dissipate into the air easier, instead of cramping me in a room, which basically compresses it all?

M: Because other people can smell it and breathe it in if you smoke outside.

W: Hmm… Japan confuses me. It still has a couple of cafes and restaurants where you can smoke in, but you can't leisurely smoke outside?

M: Can you in America?

W: It depends state by state, but basically if you're outside no one really cares if you smoke. Except when there are signs that say you can't.

M: What about in buildings?

W: Generally, any public building you can't smoke in, and most restaurants are the same, so usually you can only smoke in bars now.

M: Hmm. Hey, aren't you 19? You have to be 20 to smoke in Japan!

W: What?! Man, really? It's only 18 in the US... Well, this is a sad day. I guess now is the best time to quit if I can't buy cigarettes in Japan!

M: Yes, I think this is a great opportunity for you to give up smoking.

W: Hey, Just kidding! I turn 20 next week. And I think I can hold out until then!

M: I give up…

(Written by Matthew Bola)