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 19: Football Game (Momo and Carson)

M: WOO! Today’s the day! The Battle for Nevada. AKA: the biggest game of the UNR football season!

W: And my first-ever American football game! … But, um, why is your entire face blue?

M: School spirit! Wait a minute… Momo, where’s YOUR face paint?

W: Um, I… don’t have any?

M: Dude, come on! I have some extra in my room.... (change to quiet place)

W: Um, do I have to paint my entire face blue?

M: Hey, it’s the biggest game of the year! And as you said, your first-ever football game! … But fine, at least do some blue streaks or something… There. That looks good. Let’s go to the game!

W: But the game doesn’t start for another hour…

M: (sigh)… Oh, Momo, you have so much to learn. We need to be early to get good seats! I bet there’s already a line… We better hurry!

(Written by Jazmin Boulton)