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今回はTOEIC(R) L&Rテストなどでもよく出てくるビジネス用語をいくつか確認してみましょう。【リモート収録】


*** It's a Good Expression ***





What have you been up to?




save up money




I got to get going.


※got toの前にhaveが省略された形。have got to=have toの意味で、たびたびhaveが省略されたり、got toの部分がgottaのように繋がって発音される。get goingは「行っている状態にする」すなわち「出発する、動き出す」。





Oh, my goodness.



最高経営責任者(Chief Executive Officer)

So this is a sealed deal?


sealed dealはseal the deal「契約を結ぶ」という表現から派生したもの。

*** Script ***

Big Dreams

M: Hey, Kana! It’s been a while since we last met!

W: Yeah, Alex. It’s been 2 years. How ya doin’?

M: Doin’ great, actually. I mean, I’m working for GX Pharmaceuticals in California. I’m just in Japan for a business trip. What have you been up to?

W: Nothing much. I mean… I tried to start up a business, and it’s going quite well. By the way, I’m still living back home. So come find me any time during your stay.

M: Congratulations on your company! But are you seriously still living in your parent’s place?

W: I’m just trying to save up money for my future plans! I once had a dream of traveling the world, getting a Ph.D., or becoming a doctor, whatever!

M: Yeah, yeah, whatever… It’s not like it’ll happen anytime soon.

W: How can you say such things? I mean, it’s better to have dreams, right?

M: Well… true. Anyhow, I got to get going. I have a meeting with a tech company. See you around!

(Later at the tech company’s meeting room)

M: Hi. I’m here from GX Pharmaceuticals to ask for your collaboration with us. Regarding your new medicine…

W: Alex! Hi again!

M: Oh, my goodness… Kana, you’re the CEO of this company?!

W: Well, I’m actually ALSO the head developer of this medicine you’re talking about!

M: What?!!?!??! B… But how?

W: Well, I DID get a Ph.D. and became a doctor. And started this company.

M: So, this is a sealed deal? You’ll let us market your medicine?

W: Sure! I was in Bali having my vacation, but because I saw your company’s proposal… and it DOES interest me a lot… So, congratulations!

(Written by Krit Komolsirikul)