新シリーズ「アメリカ探究の旅〜イングリッシュポッドキャスト・英語を学ぶはじめの一歩〜」(Adventure in America)の第11回目です。少し英語が苦手!という皆さんを対象にした、長さもレベルも聞きやすい番組です。しっかり聞いて、しっかり声に出して練習してみましょう。


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Adventure in America (11)

場面: リディアはミネソタに親戚がいるので、飛行機で会いに行きます。

M: So, Lydia, I hear that Minnesota is freezing in the winter. Luckily, it's summer now. What kind of things are there to do in Minnesota?

W: Well, first of all, Minnesota is known as “the Land of 10,000 Lakes". So, we can go speed-boating! And wakeboarding!

M: Wow. Wakeboarding. That's water skiing on one board, right?

W: Right. And have you been to the Mall of America yet?

M: The Mall of America? What's that, like a really patriotic strip mall or something?

W: Ha ha… You have to be kidding me! You really don't know? There are over 500 stores there.

M: 500?

W: Yeah. And there's also an aquarium, a movie theater complex, and it has the only indoor amusement park in the nation.

M: Wow, Minnesota isn't looking so bad after all!

(Written by Nathan Olson)