新シリーズ「アメリカ探究の旅〜イングリッシュポッドキャスト・英語を学ぶはじめの一歩〜」(Adventure in America)の第11回目です。少し英語が苦手!という皆さんを対象にした、長さもレベルも聞きやすい番組です。しっかり聞いて、しっかり声に出して練習してみましょう。

ミネソタのState Fairに出かけたリディアとジュン。お気に入りのミュージシャンと、いかにもお祭りらしい食べ物に囲まれて楽しそうな雰囲気のようです、ちょっと二人の様子を覗いてみましょう…。

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Adventure in America (12)


W: Hey, Jun, shall we go to the Minnesota State Fair? It's great.

M: You guys have a state fair? That sounds lame… What do you do there? Watch the pigs?

W: No, it's not at all like that. Hey, you like The Flaming Lips, right?

M: Yeah, I love them! The greatest band!

W: Well, how about we see them tomorrow? They're at the Fair!

M: OK, but if the tickets sell out, are we going to have to watch the pigs?

W: (at the State Fair the next day) Wow. Look at all the food served “on a stick”. I mean, of course, there's the classic corn dog. But there's also alligator-on-a-stick, deep-fried candy bars, cheese curds, and that new chocolate-covered bacon on a stick called “Pig Lickers”.

M: Sh…! The band's about to start, and those last two spaghetti-on-a-sticks aren't sitting very well with the cotton candy right now...

(Written by Nathan Olson)