
第1回の今回は"Welcome to Hiroshima!"をテーマに、広島にまつわるエピソードを4本選びました。8月6日を前に、今年も国内外から多くの人びとが広島を訪れています。市電に乗ったり、世界遺産を訪れたり、広島名物の食べ物が登場したりと、盛りだくさんの内容です。

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(9:46 9.5MB 中級〜上級)1. やさしい英語会話 (12) Showing Someone around Hiroshima

W: Hi Mike!

M: Hi Aya. Sorry, I'm a bit late. I got lost at the station ... I didn't know which train to take.

W: That's OK. Glad you made it here. So where would you like to go?

M: Um, I want to go to Peace Park, and see the atomic bomb dome. And, I want to do some shopping. Is the city center far from Peace Park?

W: No, it's very near Peace Park. OK, let's get on the tram and go to Peace Park.

(sound of the tram)

M: It's my first time to get on a tram. We have trains back home, but we don't have these ...

W: You can see the center of Hiroshima City on the way to Peace Park. Oh, we're getting off at this station.

M: So, is that the atomic bomb dome?

W: Yes. I think it's the symbol of Hiroshima. I didn't think about its meaning very much when I was small, but when I think about its meaning now, I want a lot of people to see this. So I'm very glad you're here.

M: Thanks. I can see there are a lot of tourists here too.

W: Yeah, I often pass through Peace Park and there are always non-Japanese people here, which is great.

M: Hey, Aya, we learned a little about the atomic bombing of Hiroshima at school, but we didn't learn much. Were your grandparents here when the bomb was dropped?

W: My grandfather was in Hiroshima, and he told me his brother was killed, and they never found his body.

M: That's terrible…There must be a lot of people who don't know much about the atomic bomb and its cruelty. We all should know the facts and never repeat this tragedy again.

W: Yes, you're right. So, where shall we go now? The Peace Memorial Museum is way down there.

M: Let's walk around the park and go then to the museum.

W: OK. And let's go to the city center after the museum. What would you like for lunch? I recommend okonomiyaki.

M: What's that?

W: Um, it's kind of like a pancake but it's not sweet, and we eat it at lunch or dinner. Hiroshima is famous for its own style of okonomiyaki. There are lots of okonomiyaki shops in Hiroshima. It's really nice. I'm sure you'll like it.

(Written by Ayumi Furutani)

2. やさしい英語会話 (102) Miyajima

M: Hurry up cupcake. Keep up! We got a lot to see today.

W: Daddy, can we buy deer snacks?

M: Deer snacks? Well, I guess we can try some deer snacks. Are they good?

W: I think so. The deer seem to like them.

M: The deer? Why would you give them to the deer?

W: Daddy, these snacks are FOR the deer. Can we please buy some?

M: Hmm, I don't think that's a good idea. Deer can make you very sick. They have many bad things called diseases. We should stay as far away from them as possible. Now come on. Let's start our great adventure!

W: Pretty please. They look so hungry.

M: I said no, and that's final. Cupcake, Daddy just doesn't trust any of those hungry deer. That's all.

W: (sadly) OK.

M: Now cheer up. There's much more to do here than just feeding the deer. Let's see here. We can sit in the maple leaf park or climb up Mount Misen. Or, we can walk right in front of the beautiful Floating Torii Gate.

W: (Sigh) OK. Hmm, can we follow the deer to the shrine gate?

M: OK, that sounds like a great idea! Just stay close behind me.

(Two minutes later)

M: Let's see. According to this map, the shrine gate should be right around the corner.

W: One. Two. Three.

M: Oh, did you know that when the water level becomes really low you can actually walk out to the gate and touch it? Pretty cool, huh?

W: Six. Seven. Eight.

M: Cupcake, are you counting the number of deer?

W: No, daddy. I'm counting the number of deer snacks I find. Look, now we don't have to buy them! I found them all on the ground by myself!

M: What? Let me see. (Momentary Pause) Oh my, drop that right now! That's not deer snacks! That's deer poop!

(Written by Kyle Kumashiro)

3. やさしい英語会話 (105) Okonomiyaki Makes You Beautiful

Scene: Two friends, at the end of a workday, in the office.

M: Hey Tomoko, you're looking pretty good these days. What have you been up to?

W: Oh, thanks, Ron… Um, what do you mean?

M: I mean, have you started something new, such as yoga or some kind of new cosmetic product? I'm just curious…

W: Well… there is something…

M: What? What's the secret?

W: Well, this is just between you and me, OK? Actually, I just started eating okonomiyaki twice a week. No running or muscular training. I just devour okonomiyaki twice a week!

M: I can't believe that just eating okonomiyaki makes you beautiful.? Isn't okonomiyaki fatty and oily? How can it make you look good?

W: Actually, okonomiyaki's pretty healthy because it contains lots of ingredients.? There are vegetables like cabbage, eggs, meat, and seafood. That's why my skin looks so clean and fresh! I feel that I have a super power inside me!

M: Don't you get tired of eating the same thing twice a week?

W: Do you know that there's a ton of variations? We can make it with anything, such as cheese or potatoes.? We can change its taste. Creating okonomiyaki is like creating art or music! Hey, why don't we eat okonomiyaki together tonight?

M: Ah…

W: Oh, come on. You deserve to taste the harmony of the sauce and the mayonnaise-- dried bonito dancing on the top of okonomiyaki!? Why not?

M: OK. Let's go. Where to?

W: I usually eat at that okonomiyaki restaurant called Muscle Power Yaki.

M: Hey, isn't that the one where all those really cool guys work?

W: Yeah. They're so good-looking! They always make me happy. And they serve me okonomiyaki.

M: Oh NOW I know why okonomiyaki makes you so beautiful!

(Written by Inori Okawa)

4. やさしい英語会話 (103) Life on Hondori

(Phone ringing)

M: (Shouting) Hello?

W: (Firmly) Hello. It's Mom.

M: (Arcade sounds) Oh, hi Mom! Can I call you right back? I'm a little busy right now.

W: Andrew, it's already 4:15! Where are you?

M: I'm on Hondori.

W: I know that. We came together. Where on Hondori are you?

M: What? I can't hear you! Can you speak louder?

W: Andrew, where are you right now?

M: (Screaming to another person) Yes! I just cleared Level Three. Hey, who's the man? That's right: I'm the man!… Oh, sorry Mom. What were you saying?

W: Where are you!?

M: I'm at the arcade center.

W: Stop that game right now! Are you at the Taito near Parco??

M: (to another person) Yeah. Yeah. Sure. Shoot!… Oh, Mom, you just made me lose a life. Thanks.

W: You'll lose much more if you don't stop that game right now!

M: But Mom…

W: Meet me downstairs in five minutes, or else. I just passed the other Taito Station, Mister Donuts, and Uni-Qlo. I'm heading to you now.

M: Fine. I'll be downstairs in five minutes.

(Five minutes later)

W: Andrew, where are you? I'm outside.

M: OK. I'm outside too. Hmm, I can't see you. Which Taito are you at? I'm at the one closer to Peace Park. There's a Uni-Qlo and Mister Donuts nearby.

W: What! You said you were at the one near Parco. I just came from the other one!

M: Are you sure? Maybe you heard me wrong.

W: No, you just weren't thinking! You're doing chores for the whole month!

M: (Sigh) Ahh, not the dishes. I hate doing the dishes!

W: Oh, it's not only the dishes you'll be doing. You'll also have to wash the car, do the laundry, and clean the bathroom! Try passing those levels!

(Written by Kyle Kumashiro)