
第2回の今回は"Amazing Stories...!?"。宇宙人からクリスマスの奇跡まで、日常生活ではありえない不思議なお話を集めました。お盆休みは、これらの奇想天外なお話でどうかお楽しみください!

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(9:53 9.6MB 中級〜上級)1. やさしい英語会話 (131) A Visitor from "Up There"

Scene: In the office, two co-workers are talking.

M: Susan, we're having in-service training tomorrow. You'll be there, right?

W: Jiff, I'm afraid I can't make it to the training. I'm going to take some days off till next week.

M: Are you kidding? Don't be silly. Tomorrow's training is really important! All the bosses will be there. And we're having an important meeting after the training. If you miss this training, you'll be off the career track!

W: You're going a little overboard, aren't you? The career track means nothing to me. I'm doing this job as an editor because I like it. I don't care about money, authority, or popularity.

M: Hmm… That sounds great, but this training is different. It'll be lots of fun, too. And if you are in a lowly position forever, your motivation and satisfaction will eventually go down. Come on. You have to cancel your holiday.

W: Um… I can't, really.

M: OK, the decision's up to you!

W: Hey, can you grab that scratch pad for me, please?

M: Here you go. Um… What are you doing?

W: Oh, I'm writing a letter of resignation.

M: Wait! Don't be in such a rush to quit!

W: Why? It's for me and for my life. The decision is always up to me.

M: Yeah, true. But you like this job, don't you?

W: Yes, there's nothing better than being an editor.

M: Then why?

W: I'm writing a letter of resignation for not the position of editor, but for my other job up there. In the upcoming paid holidays, I'm supposed to go back to our ship and make a presentation about the earth and human beings.

M: Other job? Your ship up there? A presentation about the earth?

W: Yes, Jiff. To tell the truth, I... I'm from another planet, and my body here is not real. I'm just borrowing this human body. But now I know that our company's training is more important. As you said: I like being an editor better than being an alien!

M: What? Another planet? You're… you're an ALIEN? (scream)

(Written by Inori Okawa)

2. やさしい英語会話 (139) Sleeping Well at Night

Scene: At the hospital

M: Doctor, I'm having a terrible time sleeping well at night. You got any tips for me? I haven't had a good night's sleep for a month. What's wrong with me? Is it insomnia?

W: OK. Let me ask you a few questions. Is there anything you're particularly worrying about these days?

M: No, not really.

(The sound of a machine)

W: Hey, what's that sound? Can you hear it? Anyway, have you ever been diagnosed with insomnia?

M: No. I always used to sleep like a rock through any noises at night. I always had great dreams. But now…

W: OK. Are there any big changes in your life, such as divorce, a promotion, or did you move recently?

M: No. Divorce? I have a beautiful wife and I do love her. There have been no big changes.

(the sound of a machine)

W: Again? What's that sound?... Hmm… alright. Do you feel tired during the day because you can't sleep well at night?

M: Hmm… It's a mystery, doctor, but I don't really feel tired at all! I'm fine.

W: Wow, that's weird. What do you do when you can't fall asleep?

M: I usually read books, watch movies, and just drive into my imagination.

W: So, you do not actually have troubles with those things?

M: No, doctor. I just want to sleep better at night! Like other human beings.

W: What do you do during the day?

M: I work for a company. I used to do lots of paperwork, but now I have lots of meetings.

(The sound of the machine)

W: Are those meetings stressful for you?

M: I don't think so. We have the meetings in the huge conference room. Since there are lots of people, nobody cares if I nod off during mee… mee… meetings. Pi pi pi this machine is out of batteries….This, human-like machine is out of batteries

W: Oh, he's not a human, but a machine!?

(Written by Inori Okawa)

3. やさしい英語会話 (181) Knocking on Heaven's Door

Scene: Outside the gates of heaven.

M: Ugh, where am I? All I remember is driving, and then a bright light. Man, my head hurts.

W: Hello, and welcome to heaven!

M: Heaven? No way!

W: Yes way, sir.

M: Wait. Was it you? Were you the bright light I saw while driving? Did you save me?

W: No, sir, unfortunately that was the sixteen-wheeler crashing into the front of your car.

M: Oh… I see.

W: But, as you can see, sir, you don't have to worry about any of that old stuff anymore, because… you're in heaven!

M: Wow… I'm so excited! So, what's it like here? Do you guys have, like, beer and stuff here?

W: Yes sir, heaven distills the highest quality spirits daily for your consumption.

M: Great!

W: OK, well, let me just get your name, sir, and then we can set you up with whatever your heart desires. And it's just your luck that we are having a special this week on all the carnal desires.

M: What, really?! So all that stuff is OK up here?

W: Actually, yes, whatever, whenever, however you want it. Anything. As soon as it pops into your head you can have it! There are no laws, no taboos.

M: Oh my God…

W: Actually, he's out right now. Sorry sir.

M: Hey, this is too good to be true! I must be dreaming!

W: Isn't life but a dream?

M: What?

W: Never mind. You'll have plenty of time to brush up on your intelligence while here. But again, let me just get you name sir.

M: It's Bieber, Justin Bieber.

W: Bieber…Bieber… hmmm I'm not seeing it on the list…

M: Are you sure? Check again.

W: Nope, sorry sir. I got a Justin Beetman, but no Bieber.

M: What! NO!

W: If you'd just step over here sir. This pack of wild dogs will drag you to your next destination.


(Written by Matthew Bola)

4. やさしい英語会話 (152) A White Lie: Santa Claus

M: Rika, do you think it's a good thing to tell a white lie.

W: What's a white lie?

M: A white lie is a lie that doesn't really hurt anybody. For example, if your boyfriend buys a new shirt and you don't really like it. He asks you what you think about it. How do you answer?

W: I'd answer that it looks fine.

M: See! That's a white lie. You don't think it's nice but you tell him it is.

W: I got it.

M: Another example is Santa Clause. The whole idea of a fat guy in a red suit, going around the world in a flying sleigh pulled by reindeer, sliding down chimneys with toys… The story doesn't harm anyone. It's a cute lie!

W: Excuse me! Santa Clause is NOT a lie. He really exists!

M: Ha! You're a dreamer. I'm a person who believes in science. So I'm not

going to believe that.

W: He IS real. I saw him when I was little. Didn't your parents tell you that Santa Clause only comes to children who really believe in him?

M: Rika, grow up. You're an adult and still believe in Santa Clause? It's just a white lie.

W: No, it's true! Have you ever read the article "Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Clause"? A lot of things that we cannot see exist! Also I'm grown up, but I want to be childlike forever. I don't want to lose my dreams and hopes.

M: OK. That's one idea. I'm different from you.

W: Yes, maybe so.

(Sounds of Christmas bells jingling)

W: Hey, you hear that?

M: What?

(Sounds of Christmas bells jingling)

W: He's coming! I know it! He's coming!

Santa Clause: Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas!!

M: Hey, Rika. Did you see him?

W: Yes I did!

M and W: Santa Clause is really really real!!

(Written by Inori Okawa)