Should I tweet this? Is it appropriate to respond to that Instagram comment? Admissions leaders have been grappling with the internal cost-benefit analysis tied to these questions for years. Dr. Josie Ahlquist’s recent article, titled “Tweet the Veep: 30 Vice Presidents to Follow on Twitter,” has again moved this conversation to the top of Twitter feeds all over the country by highlighting Vice Presidents in Enrollment Management and Student Affairs that have embraced the platform.

On this episode of Admissions Live, we sit down with Dr. Josie Ahlquist, Digital Leadership Author, Coach, and Speaker, Jennielle Strother, Associate Vice President of Enrollment Services at Concordia University in Texas, and Dr. Kara Kolomitz, Vice President of Student Affairs and Enrollment at Regis College in Massachusetts, to discuss the benefits and challenges of having senior admissions leadership engage with prospective students, peers, and colleagues on social media.