I am a writer, yes, but I also help people achieve the goal they were to
reach. Writing down a goal, or coming up with one is easy, but figuring out
how to get there is a lot harder.

tips on SMART goal setting…

I am a writer, yes, but I also help people achieve the goal they were to reach. Writing down a goal, or coming up with one is easy, but figuring out how to get there is a lot harder.

tips on SMART goal setting…

SPECIFIC – Be very clear about what you want to achieve.

MEASURABLE – How will you know when you have achieved your goal? What will you be doing at that time? What will others notice you doing? What will be different? What will you have started or been doing regularly? What will you have stopped or been doing less of?

ACHIEVABLE – Ensure your goals are not too high. Don’t set yourself up to fail! Consider setting smaller goals on your way to the big one.

REALISTIC & RESOURCED – Is this achievable with the resources I have? Are there any other resources you need before you can, or to help you, achieve your goal? How can you access these resources? What problems might you have? What can you do to minimize those problems?

TIME LIMITED – Set a reasonable time limit to achieve your goal. 1 week, 1 month, 6 months, 1 year, 5 years? Consider different (smaller) time limits for smaller steps.

Here are some questions you may ask yourself when setting your goals and objectives are:

What exactly do I want to achieve?




With whom?

What are the conditions and limitations?

Why exactly do I want to reach this goal? What are the possible alternative ways of achieving the same?

I hope this helps to start your writing goals off to a good start.

Feel free to make leave a comment, share, or email me [email protected]

#objectives #SMARTGoals
