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Fun fact, there are 1,440 minutes in a day!

While that may seem like a lot on paper, it often seems to go by in just a
blink of an eye. Before you know it, the day is over and your to-do list
somehow got longer.

Fun fact, there are 1,440 minutes in a day!

While that may seem like a lot on paper, it often seems to go by in just a blink of an eye. Before you know it, the day is over and your to-do list somehow got longer.

Managing your time can be a daunting task.

Between calendars, planners, reminders, and all the other ways you should be able to manage it; somehow the day still gets away from you.

I’m going to let you in on my favorite tips for time management…


Simple, I know. The first thing in the morning needs to be when you spend the time on your most pressing tasks. You will be much more productive in the morning! Urgent comes before important. If you’re having trouble with deciding what is urgent vs important, think about it in terms of your goals.

Will finishing this help me reach my goals and how quickly?


Eliminate distractions (like that cell phone attached to you at all times). You’ll discover how much quicker you get things done in a quiet place, not scrolling down your news feed whenever a dull moment arises. Do one thing at a time and try to avoid leaving things half-finished.

Let things go!

Don’t let your perfectionism get the better of you. Nobody is perfect and you are no exception. It’s okay to step back, breath, and say “I did my best”. Quit over-editing and press send. You are an expert and your work will show it no matter what.

Ask for help!

It’s okay to feel overwhelmed in your day, but if you consistently feel overwhelmed it’s okay to ask for help. Outsourcing and delegating might seem like adding more on your plate, but if you find the right person with the right skill-set you can free up large sections of your day to focus on those urgent tasks.

These can be useful for work, home, or your stressed out bestie who is in denial (because we’ve all been there).

Take back control over your schedule!

How do you manage your time?

Hit reply and give me the details! Your favorite tracking tools, strategy, or even a color code that helps keep you organized and ready to tackle the day.

P.S. I am happy to announce my new Facebook Group Simple Solutions to Writing & Publishing. I started this group because most of my clients are newbie authors, writers, and bloggers. Click the link above to know more about this group.
