Previous Episode: Making S.M.A.R.T. Goals
Next Episode: I’m Struggling…

“I did my best and that’s good enough for me”, then move on?

In our careers, personal relationships, or overall life, the need for
perfection can quickly take control of our success.

How hard is it for you to finish a writing piece and say:

“I did my best and that’s good enough for me”, then move on?

In our careers, personal relationships, or overall life, the need for perfection can quickly take control of our success.

That email you keep rereading and editing but never pressing send… That presentation is just “not ready yet” … Changing your outfit 30 times before a night out with friends… I’ve been there!

Second-guessing, striving for perfection, or unable to commit, at what point are we good enough?

Let’s focus on professional goals….

Being a self-published author, I know ALL too well the struggle to be happy with my work. Constantly rewriting, editing, and even starting over completely was draining me mentally and adding unnecessary stress to my life.

But somehow when I help others with their own writing and publishing, it’s easy to praise their work and say when it’s done.

We are our own worst critics!

So how do we break this mindset? Here are my 3 R’s that I’ve found to help you realize you ARE good enough.




Recognize the problem. Step back and look at what you are doing and how it is impacting you mentally or even physically. Are you causing yourself unnecessary stress? What would being able to push past that hypercritical attitude mean for you?

Relax, this is so important! It is possible to break this bad habit, but there is no easy road to success. Staying calm and collected is going to help you mentally catch yourself drifting back into that bad mindset.

Realign your mindset into self-confidence. Constantly thinking “I’m not good enough” stems from issues with self-confidence. But changing this mindset will not happen overnight. Try simple things like writing down some powerful mantras to remind yourself that you are good enough.

What is the thing in your writing or publishing that you fear not being good enough?

Share with me and we can brainstorm together to push past it!

Grab the worksheet here to brainstorm