Justine Miller, 500hr E-RYT Ayurvedic Yoga Teacher and Ayurvedic Lifestyle Educator, is known for her creative sequencing and inclusive classes for all levels of experience. Interweaving Ayurveda, the wisdom of life, into her teachings allows her students to feel more in harmony with themselves and nature. Justine shares the 5,000 year old sister sciences of Yoga and Ayurveda and makes it digestible and easy to incorporate in day to day life. Off the mat, you can find her cooking seasonal dishes, sipping on something warm, and forest bathing.

Golden Nuggets From This Episode:

✨ “Avoid eating hot and cold food together.”

✨ “If we're not digesting well, then dis-ease or disease can happen.”

✨ “Ayurveda is about being empowered and knowing what makes you feel good..”

✨ “For me with Ayurveda, the more that I've learned about my body, the more I wanna take care of it.”

✨ “If you are someone that enjoys smoothies and salads, add some spices into your meals. It's so good for digestion and it's great for your respiratory system..”

✨ “The definition of Ayurveda how it translates to Sanskrit word is (The Wisdom of Life)”

✨ “Ayurveda is very much about our relationship to nature and understanding that we too are nature.”

✨ “The more we do our practices, the more we do our self-care, and Ayurvedic practices, we affect other people, we affect the macro.”

✨ “Ayurveda says we want to eat in a calm relaxed state and if that's not the case then don't eat.”

✨ “You are what you eat.”

✨ “The more that we do our self-care practices, the more we can better show up for our communities. We can't pour from an empty cup.”

✨ “Lunch is such an important meal because our digestive fire is the highest at the time, just as the sun as the highest between the hours of 10 am-2 pm.”

✨ “Protecting your practices is like protecting your peace.”

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Find out more about Justine:

IG: @ayurvedagirl_

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.rhythmofsimplicity.com -- sign up for a free Ayurvedic time clock infographic!

More heart snuggles:

Email: [email protected]

1-on1 Self Discovery Coaching -- Learn more here

Instagram: Alivetoenjoy & Heart Snuggles

Donations to help spread the heart snuggles: https://www.alivetoenjoy.com/heartsnuggles

Timestamps from the episode:

00:55   Getting to know Justine

01:19   What was the last random act of kindness someone did for her

02:22   Tells how she got into Ayurveda

03:42   Some other ways that Ayurveda helps to heal the gut

06:09   Shares about the process of warm food with the body

08:20   Talks about relationship with food and the connection of it to the body

11:53   Shares how she protects her peace and the importance of it

14:34   How she helps teachers incorporate yoga or Ayurveda

17:20   Shares some ways Ayurveda helps with anxiety


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