Hello... Every Sunday morning I host a Live on Instagram and Facebook similtaneously. This is a recording of my first episode.
The reason you're hearing it is because it was my first one, and no-one had asked me anything! haha so I put a few together what I thought might resonate with the viewers and listeners and help them with issues that are persistent and annoying and a sympton of something much bigger, our levels of Self-Love, Self-Acceptance and Self-Image.
The questions I put together are -
How do I work through Comparisonitis
How do I have Courage to Show Up
How to Quieten the Monkey Mind

I continue to battle them all from time to time but am learning how to deal with them through experience and study. I love learning about living here on the planet and how the human psyche works and I believe that my purpose is to learn so I can help others, full stop.
Life starts with a miracle and then you are thrown in to the washing machine of life until your awareness catches up with your experiences. I am learning how to live in high vibration to make sure it's more of a gentle cycle and I want to help you do the same.

To finish, I talk about my love of purple, why you'll see it all over my branding and wardrobe, it's a very special reason based on love 💜 and Chloe.

I hope you enjoy me throwing in different content from time to time, it keeps it interesting.

Have a brilliant week.

Big loves,
Elle 💜
