Hi there my lovelies 💜

I'm introducing a series within a series called Courage Stories where I will interview women who have HAD to employ courage and resilience in order to live their lives.

I'm excited to introduce my first courageous woman, Kathy Rast. Kathy describes herself and a curious, big little person, and after talking with Kathy, I totally agree. You could also add that she is as brainy as hell, has a quirky sense of humour and is very entertaining to follow.

Here is part 1 of our conversation in which Kathy describes the decision she HAD to make in order to bring her body and mind back to health. Kathy now brings all of her skills together to help other people navigate their own lives. These skills have come from working in forensics, police and HR plus graduating with Psychology Honours.

Kathy's wit and intelligence are obvious and she has a childlike curiousity and innocence that ensure that she looks at life with empathy and wonder.

Love up Kathy on Instagram and Facebook and give her a shout out for being a courageous woman.

love Elle 💜


And check out what my days look like outside of eart2Heart
