Hi there..  This episode is a bit different. It's a recording of an interview that I did on 4BC where I talked with Sophie Formica about Manifestation.

Here are my manifestation tips.

There’s much debate around the merit of manifesting but there’s plenty of science that underpins its validity.
So, how do we manifest effectively?

1. Fall in love with your end goal. Immerse yourself in the emotion that manifesting this result will make you feel.

2. Act and think as if it has already happened. Write or record your feelings in the present tense e.g., I am so grateful that… Imagine yourself in a movie scene with the manifestation complete, imagine it daily.

3. Be grateful for your life now. Gratitude is a strong manifestation magnet so the more gratitude you feel, the more you’ll attract.

4. Take aligned actions when they arise. Listen to your gut and heart and act on them, even if they seem obtuse or strange. They are life’s nudges.

5. Be patient. Life’s schedule isn’t your schedule, so let life unfold it when the time’s right.

Elle 💜

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