Hi there..

In this episode I talk about how trying to control the external people/events in our life is impossible and being a "control freak" is a futile exercise. We do have some influence on how and what happens but we don't have control.

The good news is that we do have control of our thoughts, our minds, our feelings, our behaviours and actions and therefore our results, it all starts with our thoughts. Our mind has two parts, our conscious/thinking mind and our subconsious/feeling mind, the former being the filter for the latter. We have the ability to accept or reject a thought before it enters our subconscious mind, the problem lies in the fact that we are often on autopilot, unaware that we are letting through thoughts that don't serve us. Our thoughts directly create our feelings and when a thought is repeated, it creates our beliefs so it is imperative that we monitor and manage our thoughts so that our feelings, behaviours and results are aligned with the life that we desire.

The mind is fascinating and complex and can be used to our advantage if we have the awareness to manage and monitor our thoughts.

Thoughts - Feelings - Actions - Results.

Simple but not easy, it's a lifelong practise of learning, monitoring and being aware of our thoughts.

Until next time,

All my love
Elle 💜
