Jason A. Duprat, Entrepreneur, Healthcare Practitioner and Host of the Healthcare Entrepreneur Academy podcast, talks about the best ways to solicit reviews to help your business earn social proof and validation. Jason discusses how collecting positive reviews is essential so prospects will want to do business with you. 



You want to have as many high-rating reviews as you can get: 4.5 - 5 stars.   90% of people making purchases rely on reviews before they make their final decision.   Online reviews are the equivalent of getting a recommendation from a friend Review platforms include Google, Amazon and Yelp.  You can also share reviews on your website, however, they’re not as trusted as third party sites since these reviews can be templated or falsely written.   You can use a Net Promoter Score survey to find out who is happiest with your business and the service they received. Prescreen the people you ask for reviews. Do not send a single blanket email to ask all of your patients and customers at one time. One strategy to get more reviews is to incentivize people for their time. Don't break any rules about soliciting reviews per the platform you’re using. Remove as many barriers as possible to make it easy for people to leave reviews. Include direct links so they don’t have to search.  Since your employees are often front line with patients and customers, consider running a contest and offer an incentive for them to solicit reviews.  Delivering outstanding customer service is the best way to receive positive reviews. 



Positive reviews will help you establish social proof. Work on collecting as many as possible.  Be very strategic about how you ask for reviews.  Offering incentives to compensate people for their time will increase your response rate.



“The idea is to get reviews from customers who are happy with your service.” – Jason Duprat “Deliver outstanding customer service and anytime you get negative feedback or constructive criticism, make the changes people are asking for when they're reasonable." – Jason Duprat



Healthcare Entrepreneur Academy Facebook Group: https://www.jasonduprat.com/group  Jason’s Website: JasonDuprat.com Jason’s Socials:  LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasonduprat Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jasonaduprat Ketamine Academy Website: ketamineacademy.com Ketamine Academy Free Training Presentation: ketamineacademy.com/presentation

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