Jason A. Duprat, Entrepreneur, Healthcare Practitioner and Host of the Healthcare Entrepreneur Academy podcast, talks about the free business challenge he’s hosting to help healthcare professionals launch an online-based business. Jason discusses how the challenge will help you hone and validate your business idea, and how to create and grow a Facebook Group.  



Jason is launching a free challenge to help you get a win towards launching your own business.  Online businesses can include ebooks, courses, coaching, consulting, and mastermind sessions and provide value through passive revenue streams.  You have knowledge people are willing to buy.  Leverage Facebook Groups to hone your business idea and engage with prospects.  How much did Jason’s Ketamine Academy course generate before he spent any money on ads?     To find a niche for your business, ask yourself: do people ask for my help when it comes to my knowledge base and skillset?  In order to buy from you, prospects must know, like and trust you.  Join the Ketamine Academy Facebook Group to join the challenge and invite a friend! (See link below). 



This business challenge will help you find, hone, and validate your business idea, and teach you how to start your own Facebook Group as well.   The business challenge will include a commitment to one hour of homework a day to invest time in your business for 8 days.        The riches are in the niches. Don’t swim in a red ocean with sharks where there’s already a lot of competition.



“Online income streams give you the most freedom and typically a lot of the work is upfront, especially with things like online courses or ebooks.” – Jason A. Duprat “You have knowledge people are willing to buy, in the form of coaching or consulting, masterminds, teaching them through challenges or courses or ebooks. You have it inside you to create a knowledge-based revenue stream.” – Jason A. Duprat (Ketamine course sales before ads) “In 9-10 months, the course generated $198,000 with zero dollars spent on paid advertisements, and most of that came from a Facebook Group.” – Jason A. Duprat



To participate in the ‘8-Day Kick-Start Your Business Challenge,’ join the Healthcare Entrepreneur Academy Facebook Group: https://www.jasonduprat.com/group Jason’s Website: JasonDuprat.com Jason’s Socials: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasonduprat Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jasonaduprat Ketamine Academy Website: ketamineacademy.com Ketamine Academy Free Training Presentation: ketamineacademy.com/presentation

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