Jason A. Duprat, Entrepreneur, Healthcare Practitioner and Host of the Healthcare Entrepreneur Academy podcast, talks about how implementing a challenge can help you move your business forward. He discusses various levels of monetization, as well as how to provide value and generate sales.  



Jason recently ran a free, five-day challenge in the HEA Facebook Group using an outline as his primary planning tool.  Through the group’s Facebook Insights data, he learned group engagement went up 580% and the volume of posts increased tremendously.  Being live in front of an audience providing value for five days in a row establishes rapport to generate sales. There are many ways to monetize a challenge with sales opportunities throughout at different price points. Drop-off rates are higher with free challenges. Jason incentivized participation with raffles including gift cards and 1:1 coaching calls.  Challenges are a good model to provide sales and create value. If you sell your knowledge online, challenges are the future for online courses.  Jason is planning to create a paid challenge on creating and marketing an online course. Jason plans to create two sections of his HEA Facebook Group: one for bricks and mortar and one for digital businesses. 



Challenges are a fun way to drive engagement, provide value and generate sales.  If you’re looking to build an active Facebook Group, a challenge is a key tool to drive engagement. Challenges provide more accountability and interaction for your audience than traditional online classes.



“I would highly recommend you at least look into doing challenges. They're really fun and engaging.” – Jason Duprat “When people pay, they pay attention." – Jason Duprat



Healthcare Entrepreneur Academy Facebook Group: https://www.jasonduprat.com/group  Jason’s Website: JasonDuprat.com Jason’s Socials: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasonduprat  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jasonaduprat Ketamine Academy Website: ketamineacademy.com

#HealthcareEntrepreneurAcademy #HealthcareBoss #healthcare #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #onlinechallenges #onlinebusiness #providevalue #generatesales