Is weight training for women just a recipe for overdeveloped, manly-looking muscles, or is muscle building not something to be feared after all? Women have come forward leaps and bounds when it comes to including strength training into their fitness routines. We’re seeing more and more women in the weight room, getting under the squat rack, in CrossFit gyms, and with dumbbells even in the comfort of their own home. And yet, despite this incredible move towards weight training becoming more common for women, there is still an untold number of them who are hesitant when it comes to adding strength training to their fitness regimes.  Let's discuss that. 

Join the conversation by following us on Twitter (@FitVeritas) and using #healthtalks with your comments. 

"Towards The Sun" performed by Chad Lawson 

Your next steps... 

I coach health a lot, and I do so for free in many ways. So, here's what I'd recommend you do next: 

• Watch my free health tips/advice on YouTube: 

• Learn how to launch your health journey and begin thinking more sustainably with my free health guides: 

• Support your wellness on your terms by jumping into one of my online courses: 

P.S. you can start taking a deep dive into changing your health and your life by setting up a consultation with me over at:


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