In an effort to clarify how I view the connection between Christianity and manifestation, from my current state of consciousness, and that I didn't share in the last episode, I riff about what it means to be Christian and believe in the power of manifestation.

I believe these concepts can coexist and wasn't completely clear on that in the previous episode.  In my mind both practices revolve around allowing positive energy to flow, fostering abundance for oneself and others.

My intention in sharing this episode is to help bridge the gap between a more conservative Christian viewpoint and the more mystical "woo-woo" beliefs. I believe in using positive energy to create beneficial circumstances for ourselves and others, with the understanding that the force behind this energy is God.
Manifestation does not have to been seen as creating something from nothing, but rather shaping circumstances through free will to foster greater well-being. I believe that everything good and positive comes from God, and ultimately, we have to surrender to His plan for our lives, but we can indeed create the circumstances and own our thoughts and actions to live in a way that moves us towards what we want to be inviting into our lives.

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More episodes like this one:
#88: The Power of Manifestation in Christian Faith (with Rachel Bayford)
#75: Gratitude, the Practice of Being "Blessed"
#19: Cultivating Gratitude

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