Playing it safe means you aren't finding that edge in life that makes you the best version of yourself. But if adding one more thing to your list to take action on or try harder at seems overwhelming, rest assured, finding your edge doesn't always mean you have to do more.

This episode is a continuation of last week's episode in which I discussed what it means to find your "edge" and how to go about doing so.   But when you're on a self-understanding journey, it's not about trying harder or doing more, but instead using intentionality in the way that you approach life and perhaps even shedding some things from your life in the meantime. 

When your version of playing it safe is to keep busy all the time, here's how to better yourself without adding to your to-do list. 

Daily Rhythms Tracker - In order to know where your edge is in life, you first have to become aware of where you are.  And to do that, tracking is essential.  Grab your Daily Rhythms Tracker here.

More Episodes Like This One:
#70: Stop Playing it Safe - How to Instead Find your Edge
#64: Yoga's Rhythm is Also Your Rhythm
#58: Permission to Allow the Uncomfortable

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