Transitions are one of the toughest things both in life and on the yoga mat, but not necessarily for the reasons you might think.

This is the first episode in a 2-part series on making transitions effortless. We are constantly being faced with transitions, from the everyday moments like getting the kids out the door in the morning or moving through the highs and lows in your personal cycle, to the larger life experiences like retirement, having kids, marriage or menopause.  And although transitions are necessary, they are one of the things that can make life feel more challenging than it has to be.

In this episode, I talk you through the real reason transitions can feel heavy and take you through a visualization to help you identify the process that happens when you are going through a transition.

Intention-setting Worksheet - It's time to set intentions with the new moon and get back on track if you've fallen off over the winter!

#36:  Cultivating Healthy Communication in Relationships with Katie Rossler

More Episodes Like This:
#16:  Transitioning Through Seasons of Life
#63: Transitions
#54:  Taking Action and Letting It Go, Energetic Rhythms Phase 3

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