Connection is necessary now more than ever.  At a time when we are being told to physically isolate from others, that connection is crucial; not only with others, but also with God.  And this energetic connection that we have with people can transcend social distancing. 

Yet remaining connected while social distancing involves also managing the energy you give and receive from others. On an energetic or spiritual level we are human, but we are also divinely connected by some greater force--God, spirit, universal energy--whatever you call it, living in both capacities as fully human and fully divine can take some conscious awareness and effort to find a balance between the 2.

This relationship between being both fully human and experiencing life as we do--joy, sorrow, pain, peace--and being fully divine--created by God and connected to everything--is what my guest, Melissa Harris, and I talk about in this week's episode.

Learn a simple practice you can do to help you avoid taking on someone else's energy that could negatively impact you.  A visualization technique that allows you to filter both the energy you give and receive.

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