As children raised by imperfect parents, we all have “core wounds” that inform much of our life. We may have had experiences we did not know how to process, and therefore made up stories of what those things meant that we still carry with us today.

As we get older, we adapt and learn to navigate those painful stories through our various adaptations.

Then as adults, we have an opportunity to look at some of our adaptations, and evaluate if they are still serving us, or if we can let them go.

In this episode, I explore 3 roles children are often “cast” in that can create issues later in life if not evaluated and healed.

You will likely see yourself and those you love most in some of these roles, and gain some insight into your own behavior, as well as the behaviors of your partner/loved ones. You will also leave with some tangible ideas of how to navigate next steps in healing those parts that need gentle love and nurturing.

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