As parents, we naturally want to protect our children from hurt and pain. We want them to be happy and thriving, right? So when we are trying to make decisions like if we should stay married or not, or feel the pain of sending them to another parent’s home, or deciding how much information to share with them, it can feel very uncomfortable.

In this episode, I will shed some light on new ways to think about your children. You’ll hear client experiences, my own experience, and some perspectives that you may not have considered before.

What if the goal is not actually for our kids to be happy, but something much more meaningful? What if allowing them their experiences, even the really hard ones, will help equip them for a fulfilling life where they know how to bounce back?

Listen to this week’s episode to challenge your own beliefs about what your kids “should” or “shouldn’t" experience. You just may feel some relief.

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© 2021 Andrea Giles