Previous Episode: January Announcement

On the healing journey following infidelity, it can feel like you are not making any progress at all. It can be discouraging, overwhelming and downright depressing at times. So how do you know if you are progressing?

Unlike other goals we make like losing pounds, earning a certain amount of money, etc. the healing process is less straight-forward to measure. In this episode, you’ll learn 3 ways to check in with yourself and measure your growth. You’ll be able to identify areas where you have grown, and areas where you may want to focus more attention.

When we have a clear path forward, we begin to see that we can have a life we want to participate in again. We can see that we are coming out from the heaviness we have experienced and opening up to new possibilities.

Listen to this week’s episode to gauge where you are, and what your next step forward is.

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© 2022 Andrea Giles