In this episode, Andrea is interviewed by Life Coach Mikki Gardner about how to put emotion aside and show up as the kind of parent you want to be after infidelity. This will be useful wherever you are on your journey.

When emotions are running high, it can be very difficult to think clearly, especially when it comes to parenting our children. You want what is best for them, but we also may be in “survival mode,” not really seeing the big picture.

This episode will help you navigate the rocky terrain of co-parenting when emotions are high and help you make decisions that you will be proud of.

Listen to the three points Andrea shares that serve as powerful reminders of what is possible for you.

Mikki is the host of the Co-Parenting with Confidence Podcast and has a private one-on-one coaching practice, where she helps moms ditch the conflict and frustration of divorce and become a strong, loving, confident co-parent.

Find more about Mikki Gardner at

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© 2021 Andrea Giles