If you listen to podcasts and read self-help books, you have probably heard the terms “abundance mindset” and “scarcity mindset.” However, in this episode I will be talking about each of those things and how they pertain to you and your life.

There are four areas where we experience abundance and scarcity (time, money, relationships and health). When we learn how to experience abundance in one area, it often trickles to the others. It is a way of being and thinking.

When you understand what kind of mindset you are coming from and what you can do about it, suddenly possibilities open up to you that you thought were just for other people. You learn to create the life you want rather than “taking what you can get.”

Listen to this episode to gauge where your mind is, how to identify if you are in abundance or scarcity, and how to create more abundance into your life.

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© 2021 Andrea Giles