In this episode of the Hart2Heart Podcast, Dr. Mike Hart is joined by genomics expert Kevin McKernan. The duo delve deep into the complex world of cannabis and psilocybin, discussing THC use in teenagers and schizophrenics, the benefits of CBD, the comparative impacts of cannabis and cigarette smoke, and the potential of THC as a safer option than alcohol. The conversation touches on the carcinogenic risks associated with THC acetate, the importance of product regulation, the potential benefits of cannabinoids for various age groups, and the effects of CBN and other cannabinoids on sleep. Kevin also shares information on a compound ten times more potent than CBD for treating anxiety and schizophrenia. The episode takes a significant turn to discuss vaccine lot variations, the potential risks of repeated mRNA vaccinations, and the importance of not creating more fear around vaccines. Lastly, McKernan enlightens listeners on the health benefits of mycelium, a component of mushrooms.



00:00 - Kevin McKernan introduces his background in genomics, sharing his contributions to the human genome project and his current work on genomic tools for cannabis and psilocybin.

03:18 - McKernan tackles the controversial topic of THC use in teenagers and schizophrenics, discussing the biased narrative often presented by government agencies.

07:10 - McKernan delves into the AKT1 variant, explaining how it can cause paranoia and other adverse effects in certain individuals when using THC.

09:30 - A discussion ensues on the pattern of developing hyperemesis syndrome due to consistent, high THC use, especially with concentrated forms like dab pens.

10:30 - Dr. Hart touches on the benefits of CBD for teenagers, particularly for controlling epilepsy and improving mood disorders.

12:27 - The potential benefits and risks of THC use among teenagers are explored, with McKernan suggesting it may be a safer alternative to alcohol.

16:13 - McKernan discusses a study comparing cannabis and cigarette smoke, shedding light on the anti-inflammatory nature of cannabinoids.

18:02 - Carcinogenic risks associated with THC acetate are discussed, underlining the importance of proper regulation and testing for vaping products.

24:05 - Dr. Hart discusses Israel's prominent position in cannabis research and CBD's protective effect against concussions.

29:36 - McKernan shares a study revealing a compound with tenfold potency compared to CBD for treating anxiety and schizophrenia, implying a lower dose could be equally effective.

32:58 - The importance of THCV for weight management is discussed, particularly in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

34:20 - Dr. Hart shares the benefits of CBD for pain control, especially for inflammation and muscle spasms.

36:10 - McKernan talks about the effects of CBN and its potential role in aiding sleep.

44:22 - The conversation shifts to psilocybin and its potential for treating depression, citing a recent study comparing it to escitalopram.

54:46 - The importance of consuming mycelium in adaptogenic mushrooms for their potential health benefits is discussed.