You know that feeling of "Oh, I'll be happy when I've done ____ or achieved ____." And then when we've reached this place in our life, we say "Hmm, I'm not as happy as I thought I would be now that I'm here. So, what's next?"

It's like something is missing.

In this episode, I share my personal journey of chasing happiness and self worth. This journey has led me to be here with you today, sharing Happy Vibes. It's been an adventure of peaks, valleys, wild storms, and sunny days!

**This episode offers a great launching point for our future Happy Vibes Conversations.

I invite us to explore these questions together:

Are we defined by our titles and achievements? Or are we something more? Is our happiness and self-worth dependent on what we do? What's at the heart of our internal unrest? How can we shift and transform into living a more fulfilling life?What is at the heart of our well-being?

I celebrate your courage, gumption, and light for being here today! 

Inspired by what you hear? I invite you to share an iTunes review! 


Happy Vibes Conversations is a well-being podcast on being the light you wish to see in the world. Thank you for being here!

I created Happy Vibes Conversations as a way to celebrate all that we are and collectively envision the world we want to create. I believe our relationship with ourselves is at the heart of our well-being and our foundation for creating positive change. If you love learning about yourself, then this podcast is for you! :)

You'll hear interviews with inspiring, entrepreneurial women on their journey and self-talk, as well as solo episodes with me sharing practices, guided visualizations, and personal stories. You'll hear a delicious blend of science and spirituality, applying topics like authentic and valued-living, tapping into our intuition, shedding limiting beliefs, whole self-acceptance, accessing inner happiness (not as a goal, but as a way of being), self-talk, self-worth, and finding our purpose (and taking action steps to live it!). How does this resonate with you?

And if you're curious to learn more about me, click the website below. Yay!

In gratitude,

Jaime :)

Olympian | Empowerment Coach | Founder, Happy Vibes
[email protected]

Awesome song by: Kevin Miso