I used to think being an introvert was something to be ashamed of. I thought that being introverted and everything that came with it equalled being weak and insecure. Oh boy, was I wrong! 

Since learning about what being an introvert really means - I have never felt more powerful and more confident saying it out loud. I have honestly never felt more in tune with myself - I feel proud, strong and safe in knowing why I am the way I am and how to prioritise my time and energy for a balanced life in peace.

In today's episode we are looking deeper into what it means to be an introvert! I’ll try to answer any questions that may arise around this topic, or at least just try to share what I’ve learned along the way and my personal stories (as I know you guys really enjoy).

What does it mean to be an introvert/extrovert?How did I determine/discover that I’m an introvert?How I learned to accept and find pride and peace in being an introvert?How I learned not to view introvert/extrovert on a spectrum rather than two separate categories?Strengths in being an introvert Learning to respect my introversion and taking care of my social battery and mental well being.Using my introversion as an excuse to socially withdraw (learning to find a healthy balance).

Have a question or a feedback? 

Write me an e-mail: [email protected]

Find me on Instagram @natachathuesen

Let's grow together and share our mess!

Love, Natacha.