
At 23, Danielle Matthews was hit by a drunk driver and suffered a serious brain injury.

We try to keep things lighter on the show, but sometimes you have to get a bit heavy to even get to the point where you can use tools and techniques. Today, we focus on how to get  over the hump of a serious mental health period. This is a point where you're willing to search for helpful tools and techniques. From there we talk about the powerful tool of Yoga Nidra.  You will learn from Dianne’s expertise on Yoga Nidra as she puts us all through a powerful exercise to make our brain happier.

Resources Mentioned in the Show

◼️  Free Mind Control eBook

◼️  Yoga Nidra Sleep Meditation

About our Guest Danielle Matthews

At the age of 23 Danielle was hit by a drunk driver and sustained a life-altering injury to her brain. The medical world said there was no hope of recovery & told her to accept this life as her “new normal”.

Although her body was physically impaired, her spirit was strong & she refused to believe their diagnoses. Her mind was determined to recover…and she did! Through the power of what she refers to as ‘Mind Control,’ she attracted the mindset, techniques, and exact quantum healing technologies needed to fully recover. She has since built an international business, authored an e-book called 'Mind Control' and shares her life-altering experience with countless people around the globe.

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