I’m sure that there are goals you want to accomplish in your life and business. Actually visualizing what your life would be like once those goals have been accomplished is a powerful, but not that intuitive, exercise. Today, you’re going to hear from someone whose expertise is helping people identify and realize their most important goals.

Cliff Ravenscraft is a business mentor, life coach, and motivational speaker. He mentors coaches, consultants, and thought leaders through the transition from their unfulfilling day job to their own responsible and profitable online business so that they can live the life of their dreams and do the work they feel most called to do.

Today, Cliff delves into what happens when we find work that truly fulfills us and brings us joy as well as a reliable income. This is often called your “zone of genius” and working within it adds more value than any other work you could ever do.

Cliff shares his insight into what you can start doing right now to get on the path to working full-time in your zone of genius. In fact, avoiding this path, which is ingrained in our very culture, is both unhealthy and a huge waste of your limited time. To get you on track, Cliff tells us what we can do to live more intentionally aligned with our true life goals.

Fill in the blank: What would your life be if ________? Let me know in the comments on the episode page!

  In this episode What happens when you work within your zone of genius Techniques for determining what you truly want out of life Getting over the fear of charging more for your work The unsung benefits of failure How to bring more clarity to what’s most important to you and your business   Quotes

“This is that thing that you do where time does not exist for you. You literally are on an existence of reality that is without time.” [12:38]

“Don’t quit your daydream my friends. Life is all about asking yourself what it is you want.” [21:29]

“Stop going after the low hanging fruit. You’re talking about leaving your day job to go do what your zone of genius is, that thing that you’re most gifted at. Go and find the path of least resistance to get what you want sooner rather than later.” [36:46]

“I want to encourage you to fail and fail often and keep changing your approach each time you fail until you get what you want.” [49:19]



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The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks

Episode 131 with Graham Cochrane

The Studio Sherpas Workshop


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