As the decade winds down, I want to speak to you, by myself this time, to highlight some of my favorite episodes from this year and what I’ve learned from them. I love to spend time reflecting by considering highs and lows and what has changed. This year was a year of growth for me in many ways, and I want to share with you some parts of it that I feel we can all benefit from.

Recently, I realized that my company has finally met my goal where I can truly pick and choose the work that I do. This sense of freedom is hard-won, but it is truly worth it in so many ways. Today, I’m sharing what I’ve learned along this journey and how I believe you can achieve it too.

Many of the lessons I learned came straight from the interviews that I’ve done for this podcast. Today, I go over just a small part of what has stood out for me over the past year. Whether it’s perfecting your storytelling, developing passive income, getting more leads, and winning the best clients for you, I learned a ton of great stuff about growing your business.

Another amazing part of 2019 was the Onward Summit that we hosted here in Detroit. It drew in Studio Sherpas members from near and far. I loved every minute of it as people connected, grew, and got inspired. I’m already really excited to do it again in 2020.

What are you going to do to share your story and serve others in the new year? Share it with me in the comments on the episode page!

  In this episode The freedom that comes with delegation and understanding the work that fulfills you the most Recognizing your strengths and making it your focus Top lessons learned and highlights from a year of podcast interviews Key takeaways from the Onward Summit The power of developing personal habits to stay healthy and properly focussed Some of the tools and software that we use to manage aspects of our business   Quotes

“The power of delegation and seeing and understanding what doesn’t bring me life [allows me to] hand them off.” [7:44]

“It’s not just me. I’m not in a silo. I’ve met people who are learning things. I’ve been able to interview so many different people who’ve been able to speak into the Studio Sherpas community. It’s incredible!”  [12:07]

“If you don’t have habits in the morning if you’re hopping on your phone and doing your email first thing, please just stop doing that. Your heart, your head, your body needs different food as you start your day.” [25:14]


Episode 144 with Amina Moreau 

Episode 133 with Sean Cannell

Episode 114 with Blaire Enns

Episode 122 with Chris Smith

Episode 153 with Bob Burg

Episode 132 with Rob Booker

Episode 131 with Graham Cochrane

Win Without Pitching

The Go-Giver

Learn about the next Onward Summit

The High-Performance Planner


Building a Storybrand



Additional Links:

Check out the full show notes page

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