I cut my teeth 15 years ago filming weddings, sometimes as many as 40 a year. It was great work and I truly loved it. It taught me efficiency and how to work in less than ideal conditions. Filming weddings showed me how to make amazing films with little to no plan. It was filming weddings that introduced me to many of the elements of this trade that I still use every day, no matter what I’m shooting. But whether or not you feel like you would never shoot a wedding, keep listening, because this is the episode for you!

John Bunn and Nick Miller are the guys to know for anyone who films weddings. Their company, How to Film Weddings, is a true repository for everything you’d want to know about making spectacular wedding videos. They have a podcast, a facebook group, tutorials, and workshops, to help share their vast experiences in this field. 

John and Nick talk about how they threw conventional wedding industry business models out and started working with each other, the competition. They recognize that there is enough business out there that they can do better in the end by sharing within the industry. That’s why they’ve worked hard to create their own community of wedding filmmakers. John and Nick describe what went into that creation and how it has helped them and many others move their businesses, and the industry as a whole, in the right direction.

We also talk about the power of confidence and what its source is. Naturally, the longer you do this work, the more confident you will get in your abilities to make an amazing video and serve your clients. But it’s often a lack of confidence that is keeping many of us from charging what we should. John and Nick share some tips for overcoming these hurdles so you can really start earning.

Do you make wedding videos? What have you found particularly rewarding or challenging from it? Leave a comment on the episode page!

  In this episode How to work with your competition and grow at the same time The power of a community to encourage and help people find their voice in the industry Why the face of a brand is more important than many give it credit How self-confidence is either your best friend or your worst enemy The secret to a solid sales pitch How to serve your clients instead of selling to them The ways that vulnerability can be an inspiration to others   Quotes

“There’s enough weddings and business out there so we don’t have to be super cutthroat and we can share what we have and help each other.” [12:40]

“If we can all work with each other to make each other better and have hard conversations, we can elevate the industry as a whole.” [21:03]

“Our confidence has grown because we know we put out a good product, we serve really well, we help our clients and we’re going to give them something that they’ll cherish forever.” [30:32]

“If you’re not confident in the price, nobody else will be. And if you’re not a little uncomfortable with the price, I encourage you to push it and be a little uncomfortable.” [32:33]

“There are so many weddings and so many jobs that there is plenty for all of us. We’re in an industry where we shoot video in a world that is becoming more and more video-centric.” [52:18]


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Venture Workshop


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