In business, there’s nothing more important than creating an amazing experience for your clients. That’s the difference between leaving them simply satisfied or wanting to come back for more. Having pride in what you do and communicating that to your clients in a key part of this, and few people understand that better than today’s guest.

Dan Cockerell has held various management and executive operations roles at the Walt Disney World Resort, both in the theme parks and resort hotels, and was the sixth executive to hold the position of Vice President of the Magic Kingdom since the park opened in 1971. He has been a keynote speaker for Disney for eighteen years and provides customized authentic presentations focusing on leadership and management practices drawing upon his extensive Disney career. 

In today’s episode, Dan tells us all about his recent transition from a career with Disney to working for himself as an entrepreneur. He has certainly learned a lot about building a healthy company culture with a focus on customer service. While these work well at a large corporation like Disney, they can also be applied to any small business. 

What can you do to create an excellent and unforgettable experience for your clients? Leave a comment on the episode page!

  In this episode Lessons learned from working at Disney that can be applied to any business Why mindset is more important than resources for creating great customer experiences Why “very good” isn’t good enough The importance of taking pride in the work that you do every day Why simple is always better than complex when determining your company’s mission The payoffs of prioritizing clarity when communicating with your clients   Quotes

“I always wondered what it’s like being an entrepreneur and I found out it’s a heck of a lot of work, but it’s a lot of freedom.” [2:25]

“It has nothing to do with resources. It’s all about the experience you want to create for your customers. It really is a mindset.” [9:38]

“This is about prioritizing your resources. You can’t focus on everything.” [26:20]

“Continue to hone in on your craft. Be excellent at being a videographer, but realize that a lot of things you value are not going to be transparent to your customers...You just have to make sure that they feel comfortable.” [39:21]



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