Many of us are doing just fine on the creative side of our work. But if you don’t know how to sell and market what you make, then your business isn’t going to go very far. Today’s guest is going to share some easy to follow advice for helping you level-up your marketing strategy right away!

Allan Dib is the best-selling author of The 1-Page Marketing Plan. He’s a serial entrepreneur, a rebellious marketer, and a technology expert who has started, grown, and exited multiple businesses in various industries. He spends his days working one-on-one with clients and creating new courses and content.

As a source of expertise in growing any kind of business, Allan shares some of the pitfalls that many creatives end up in when trying to market their services. He’s found that many of us tend to think that the creative work will sell itself. That would certainly be nice, but it seldom works that way. So that you can start marketing better right away, Allan describes the mindest needed to make it happen and briefly walks us through the creation of your own one-page marketing plan.

What can you do right now to increase the reach of your marketing? Let’s talk about it in the comments on the episode page!


In this episode What most creatives are missing when they try to grow their business What to do if you truly don’t want to market what you create Making the mindset shift necessary to focus on business growth How to create a tribe of raving fans and get more referrals from it Why you’re missing out if you don’t offer any high-end products and services Why getting referrals is easier than many people think The undeniable importance of having an email list    Quotes

“To a creative, selling out is an insult, right? Whereas to a marketer, selling out is what you want to do.” [4:34] 

“If you believe that you have something of value to give to the world, then you have a right and a responsibility to get that message out there.” [11:32]

“You don’t need a hundred different referral partners to build a really successful business. You only need a handful of good producing partnerships. If you spend time developing those, they can be very profitable.” [35:46]

“You’re not a filmmaker. You’re not a videographer. You’re a marketer of films and videography services.” [45:37]


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The 1-Page Marketing Plan 

Episode 155 with Dan Cockerell


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