Today on the podcast, we have Callum, one of our newest members of the Grow My Cleaning Company team. He came to us all the way from the United Kingdom and was at the retreat with the rest of us this past week so he and Lindsay got together to record this podcast for you. He talks about message matching and the importance of this principle that he sees people getting wrong often. It is something that doesn’t take a lot of time or expertise but makes a huge difference in the marketing, and branding of your company. 

1:09 What is Message Matching 2:20 What to Considered for Message Matching 8:59 Messaging Done Correctly Leads to You Being You

Love the idea, but find it overwhelming? Want to learn the next steps like, what to actually say on the call? Jump on a call with one of our coaches and learn strategies on how to grow your cleaning company and start loving your job every day! Book here