Mary has a visit from the angel Gabriel and he tells her that she is going to be with child and that child is from God Himself! She asks, “How can this be?” she asked, “I can’t have a child…I’m a virgin!” And the angel explains to her that the Holy Spirit will come upon her and the power of the Most High will overshadow her. A couple of says later she leaves to visit her cousin Elizabeth who is six months pregnant with John the Baptizer. Mary stays for three months and comes home. This would be a shock to Joseph! Why? She would be showing when she came back home and Joseph knows he hasn’t had sex with her, so in his mind he is thinking she has slept with someone and has cheated on him. He was going to divorce her and it took an angel to intervene! Artificial insemination is no big deal today with our technology but this was unheard of 2,000 years ago! God became flesh, lived a normal life up until the age of 30 when his ministry started, then his mission was to die on a cross, be buried in a tomb for three days, and was resurrected! Just as the angel had told Mary, “He will be called Emmanuel which means God With Us and you will name him Jesus which means God Is Salvation. Have you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior?