In Luke 1 we are introduced to two women who are related, they are cousins—Mary and Elizabeth. One is old and has been serving God a long time. The other is young and is basically trying to figure out where her place is in society. One has been praying to God for a long time to have a baby yet she never did and has passed the age of being able to get pregnant…way past. The other is a virgin and is more concerned with helping her parents around the house. I’m sure having a baby was the farthest thing from her mind. Both have a visitation from an angel and both become pregnant miraculously! Some people may work hard all of their lives and never get what they have been praying for while some have the “it” factor meaning they don’t work hard and things come easy for them. Elizabeth was old, too old to have children, yet she stayed faithful to God and He came through when she couldn’t do it on her own. Mary was a teenager, not even married yet, so she wasn’t looking to have a child, yet she is blessed to be chosen as the mother of the savior of the world—Jesus the Messiah! The point: Don’t give up on God; stay faithful because He will come through for you just as He did for Elizabeth!