Spirituality is the new black. And Spirit DJ Jo Westwood shows you how to keep your fabulous lifestyle while tapping into your deeper side (and maybe even a higher power?). Check out this very personal episode of GITNB!       

Things discussed in this episode:

What "spirituality" actually means
Is spirituality just a placebo and does it even matter if it is?
How Jo transitioned from a busy career to being the social media DJ and now the spirit DJ
How a break up led her to a personal miracle
The hippie healer  in California that brought her out of her typically British viewpoint
Making spirituality and woo-woo stuff seem totally accessible
Feeling like you don't deserve to feel bad if nothing majorly traumatic has ever happened to you
What's the first step to getting in touch with your spirit and spirituality


Links mentioned:

Jo's website
A Course in Miracles
Gabby Bernstein
Deepak Chopra
Marianne Williamson

About the guest:

Jo Westwood is known as the Spirit DJ - As a teacher of ACIM, a life coach and spiritual mentor she helps young women (and the young at heart!) to remix their lives to fulfill their highest potential in their careers and relationships, with super down to earth, practical spiritual coaching.