That' a wrap on Green Is the New Black season 2! To find all the episodes for seasons 1 or 2 just click here. For now I hope you'll dig this special solo episode where I explain how shiz hit the fan this year and the books, blogs and podcasts that got me through. Happy summer!                


Links mentioned in this episode:

Network Spinal Analysis
The Joy Junkie Life coach & Podcast

The Tim Ferriss Show Podcast
I Will Teach You to Be Rich with Ramit Sethi
Get Rich Lucky Bitch
GITNB with Denise Duffield Thomas of Lucky Bitch
Pencils of Promise
My bday fundraiser for Pencils of Promise
Bliss. Here. Now. with Margaret Nichols
Cheri Huber - There is Nothing Wrong With You  and The Depression Book
Essentialism The Art of Doing Less Greg McKeown

Daring Greatly by Brene Brown
Self Compassion - Kristin Neff
Danielle Laporte - Apple experiment
The Hidden Messages in Water
Hannah Brencher More Love Letters Project
Class Pass
Mike Chesser - My podcast sound editor