As a marketers, many use Google Analytics for basic monthly reports like  traffic and general sales data to measure their website. However it also provides insights on how they are getting there, what they are viewing, how they are moving through your site and what they are looking for. It helps guide marketers to create more relevant content and informed decisions based on your audience's behaviors.

It's something I haven't spent much time digging into so I made a commitment to invest in an online course, "Google Analytics for Marketers" and so far it's been worth the investment of time and money. This episode isn't going to be a comprehensive overview but something to get you thinking about using analytics and optimizing your site and content. If you work with websites and measure them Google Analytics is treasure trove of data and capabilities including;

Google Analytics and  Google Analytics 4 - why you need them and what are the key differencesProper Setting up - important things to look for such as Views, User Management, Filters and basic settingsFilters, Filters, Filters - the best thing and worst thing for your GAReports - getting familiar with them, secondary dimensions, benchmarking, and behaviorsAudience - important to understand your audience, demographics of users, the browsers they use, and how are they engaging with your siteTraffic Reports - Where people are coming from, different types of referalsSite reports - where did people enter, what pages did they accessGoals - Setting goals, goals reports, ecommerce goals

There is a lot to Google Analytics and the information it can tell you about your audience, helping them find the content they are looking for, making it easier to convert and so much more. 

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