Throughout the past year, we've been sharing how gardening is an ideal way to relieve stress and anxiety. Now approaching a year-long pandemic, many people have suffered greatly causing lasting stress on their bodies and minds. Getting out and gardening is certainly a way to help, but horticultural therapy takes it a step further to focus on specific needs, whether physical or emotional.

For those who have experienced trauma, horticultural therapy can be used to help learn new skills or rebuild skills that were lost. It helps improve memory, cognitive skills, language and socialization skills. Used In physical rehabilitation, its been demonstrated to  help strengthen muscles and improve coordination, balance, and endurance. Horticultural therapists are professionals with specific education, training, and credentials in the use of horticultural for therapy and rehabilitation.

Our guest on this episode is Perla Sofía Curbelo-Santiago of Agrochic, based in Puerto Rico. She's a professional communicator with vast experience in radio, television, and newspapers. She's also certified in Horticulture Therapy (2019) from the Chicago Botanic Garden. She does many talks and webinars on the topic, and will featured on the Gardencomm webinar series on February 2, 2021. Follow the link to register for the live event and replay.

Perla Sofia Curbelo - Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Enjoy this episode or have questions? We want to hear from you. Connect with Chris Sabbarese at Corona Tools on Twitterand our new GILN Facebook Group.This closed group is like-minded individuals who care about and discuss, gardening and plants, trees and landscaping related topics.


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