It's the middle of November, almost the end of 2020 and a it's been a year that most will not forget, anytime soon. When we look back at all the things that have happened, we'll be telling these stories for many years to come. Including how the green industry was fortunate to see a surge in the interest in gardening as one of the ways to make through quarantine.

Many were brand new to gardening and while some did it to pass the time, others were all in to start pandemic gardens to have fresh food in the backyard for the family. As an industry, we may never see this level of interest in gardening come again. So how do keep them engaged in gardening after the pandemic?

My guest on this episode is Teresa Speight of Cottage in the Court, blog and podcast dedicate to promoting the good of gardening. A fellow Gardencomm member, Teri is a regional director based in the Washington DC area where she is always out building community and teaching others about the joys that gardening and being in nature provides.


Connect with Teri on her Blog and Instagram.

Enjoy this episode or have questions? We want to hear from you. Connect with Chris Sabbarese at Corona Tools on Instagram and our GILN Facebook Group. This closed group is like-minded individuals who care about and discuss, gardening and plants, trees and landscaping related topics.