There are few things more frustrating than seeing a plant or tree you've nurtured, that's been overtaken or demolished by insects. Caterpillars, worms, mites, beetles, aphids and more... infecting your plant, and left to their own devices, can quite literally suck the life out of it!

That's where beneficial insects can come to the rescue! in the right environment, they can help take care of issues with destructive insects. The best part is, attracting beneficial insects can be as simple as planting flowers that creates a welcoming environment, and can be done naturally and organically. Done well with the right beneficial insects, you will reduce the presence of the bad ones so you can just enjoy your garden.

On this episode, we're discussing beneficial insects and more with Jenny Cobb, assistant growing manager at Spring Meadow Nursery of Proven Winners. She is the head of their Biocontrol Program and has a B.S. in Environmental Biology. Jenny has served in the U.S. Peace Corps working in forestry and agriculture.


Cornell University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences - Beginner's Guide

University of California Agriculture &Natural Resources-IPM and Beneficial Predators

Attracting Pollinators to Your Garden-US Forest Service

National Pesticide Information Center-Beneficial Insects


Jenny Cobb at Proven Winners - Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

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