Most relationships identify specific roles that each individual conducts, often without notice. Society has it's own view on traditional gender roles. Women cook, clean, and nurture. Men are the bread-makers, protectors, and sole providers for the family. As new generations change, in today's society these roles sometimes become irrelevant. Gender roles in relationships can be switched without second thought from both men and women. In this episode Andrew and Keelin discuss the gender roles they take on in their marriage. Who kills the spiders, who drives, who cooks, who cleans, who mows the yard and much more. You might be surprised with their relationship. It's not so traditional. They even debate who should pay for a first date. The male or female?! Sometimes gender roles in relationships can cause hardships which is Andrew and Keelin's motivation to record this episode. They want to get better alongside everybody listening to prevent those relationship frustrations as much as possible. Today is a great day to get better so let's get better together!