Today in the podcast Sara and Kathy talk about the “I am” statement "I am blessed". The term blessed is thrown around everywhere and determining the difference between worldly blessings and God’s blessings can be difficult because all things were created by God therefore all good things come from him! The difference between a worldly blessing and a divine blessing is that many of us think a blessing is just something we have control over, or some type of “good”(by worldly standard) circumstance that has happened. Blessed in scripture is described as holy, consecrated, and declared sacred! See how much deeper our blessings go as Christian women? We are blessed no matter the circumstances and no matter the outcome of situations and that is such good news! We battle a world of uncertainty and suffering, so imagine if we only considered ourselves "blessed" when good things happened? We’d miss out on so much God has to offer us! Embrace the blessings from God and His word today. He will never leave you. He will always love you. He chooses you. He sees you. He has sealed you with his love and you are His beloved daughter. He doesn’t see you as broken and when we are broken He brings healing. We have the ability to talk to him anytime. We have a Father who pleads on our behalf and prepares a room for us in His house in eternity. We are blessed beyond comprehension and that is even a blessing! Remember these things today and allow His grace to flow over you.